Sewing the seeds of a good life.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fabric Sale

I love fabric -- as the size of the stash in the wardrobe testifies.
Right now, though, I'm buying for Mitchell rather than myself (I don't need more clothes, and he does). And most of what I have isn't suitable for a small boy.

So when I got the card in the mail that Global Fabrics was having a sale, I trotted right on over.

They specialize in designer dress fabrics, and don't have a lot of 'kids stuff', but do have lovely quality 'basics' (this is where I get my merino jersey in about 100 colours) and some interesting prints. And because they do end of lines, small runs & sample lengths, they're (relatively) cheap. Their selection is better for girls than boys, but that pretty much sums up the entire world.

Even better, they have a play corner for the kidlets -- blocked in with a wall Mitchell can't climb over, so I can browse in peace -- for at least 10 minutes at a time.

I came away with 5 fabrics, all medium-weight cottons, including some of the lovely Japanese cottons that I fell in love with last time.

The closeups show the fabric patterns better -- it all tends to blur in the wide angle shot.
The last one (bottom, right) is actually a double weave. I've reversed it to show the inside, which I like better; I'll make this up into overalls with details in the 'right' side.

These will all make up well, but there wasn't anything as exciting at the gorgeous ladybird fabric I bought last time!

The black and grey cotton jersey (back row, left) are from Fabrica which is closing down. They mostly do bridal and event fabrics (luscious coloured silks & velvets), but did have a few plainer ones. These are cotton and lycra, super soft and stretchy, they'll make lovely tops (or even pjs) for Mitchell. And at 180 cm wide, I get lots of fabric per metre.

Now, I just have to start sewing.
This blogging is taking some time to work out. I spent 45 minutes last night working out how to post pictures side-by-side, rather than vertically. And another 45 minutes today figuring out how to use Photoshop layers to insert the detail images beside the main one.
I'm sure I'll get quicker as time goes by.

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